117 research outputs found

    Testing the Effects of Seacoast Atmosphere on Tantalum Capacitors

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    The goal of this research was to test the effects of seacoast atmosphere on tantalum capacitors. Four tests were chosen for this purpose: the 85/85 test was chosen for testing the effects of the combination of high humidity and high temperature, salt spray testing was done for examining the effects of high humidity and salt, temperature cycling test was applied for testing the effects of temperature changes, and a 100% RH humidity test was developed for examining the effects of very high humidity. The results show that combination of high humidity and high temperature did not possess a significant risk for these capacitors during their normal use. Very high humidity and radical temperature changes both affected the breakdown voltages of tantalum capacitors. Salt fog caused corrosion of these components and had a small effect on breakdown voltage but did not have an effect on capacitance or ESR

    Multidisciplinary development of Smart Jacket for elder care

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    Limitations in physical and cognitive functioning are common among elderly people. Due to these limitations, activities of daily living, such as dressing, can be difficult, even with the help of another person. The limitations may also challenge using the assistive tools meant to support the independent living of elderly people. One significant assistive tool is a nurse call -button whose aim is to support the elder’s independent living and ensure the assistance of others when needed. In severe cases, using of such assistive tools is entirely prevented because of the user’s limited abilities. The purpose of this study was to create a solution for the above-mentioned challenges with smart clothing. The objectives of this study were to design a Smart Jacket that 1) is easy to put on and 2) includes an easy-to-use nurse call button. The product development utilized design thinking through four different Smart Jacket versions, three of which were evaluated in multidisciplinary design workshops. The newly designed and created upper-body garment with assistive zippers in the sleeves can be put on when assistance is available without any movement of the user’s upper limbs. Further, the developed passive RFID (radiofrequency identification)-based jacket with integrated nurse call -button is functional without an on-jacket energy -source and is thus maintenance free. The nurse call -button is functional more than four meters from an RFID reader antenna. Based on the initial expert evaluations, the developed Smart Jacket could operate as part of a bigger safety system, for example in an elderly care unit or domestic care, bringing a needed new alternative as merged nurse call -button and assistive cloth

    Kaikki keinot käyttöön – Helpottaisiko suualueen motoriikan passiivinen harjoittelu korjaamaan sitkeitä äännevirheitä?

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    Vaikka kuntoutusmenetelmien pitäisi pohjautua näyttöön perustuvaan toimintaan, kuntouttajan työkalupakkiin eksyy välillä keinoja, jotka on napattu muun toiminnan alueelta. Yksi tällainen harjoitteluväline on suun alueen lihaksia vahvistava, alun perin kuorsaukseen ja uniapnean hoitoon kehitetty laite, FaceFormer (FF). Puheterapeutit käyttävät laitetta erityisesti niiden lasten kanssa, joilla äänteiden oppiminen on huomattavan hidasta ja työlästä. Tässä artikkelissa esittelemme kokeilun, jossa arvioitiin, edistyikö kielen liikkeen hallinta 7-vuotiaalla huuli- ja suulakihalkiolapsella, kun hän käytti FF:ia 12 viikon ajan öisin. Harjoittelujakson tavoitteena oli, että lapsi nostaa kielensä hammasvallille (esim. /r/:n, /s/:n ja /l/:n ääntymäpaikka) ja pitää sitä siinä mahdollisimman pitkään ilman leuan myötäliikkeitä. Kielen nostoa arviointiin viikoittain, ja lapsi vastasi samalla kyselyyn siitä, miltä kojeen käyttö ja kielen liike tuntuivat. Lisäksi lasta hoitava puheterapeutti arvioi leuan ja kielen liikkeiden eriytymisen kehittymistä. Kokeilussa tehtyjen havaintojen mukaan lapsen kielen motoriikka parani: kielenkärki pysyi hammasvallilla pitempään kuin ennen FF:n käyttöä. Varsinkin yhdeksännen viikon kohdalla motoriikassa tapahtui selvä harppaus: kielenkärki pysyi tavoitepaikassa kaksinkertaisen ajan verrattuna aiempiin mittauksiin. Kielenkärjen nosto hammasvallille alkoi onnistua myös puheen aikana arviointitilanteessa ilman, että lapselle annettiin hänen aiemmin tarvitsemaansa visuaalista tai taktiilista tukea. Lapsen oma kokemus laitteen käytöstä oli pääasiassa myönteinen, ja myös kielen kärjen nosto tuntui hänestä helpolta

    Possibilities of Fabricating Copper-based RFID Tags with Photonic-sintered Inkjet Printing and Thermal Transfer Printing

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    This letter studies the possibilities of manufacturing copper-based passive UHF RFID tags using inkjet and thermal printing on two substrate materials, polyimide (Kapton) and a polyester based substrate (Flexcon THERMLfilm). Both printing methods are tested to fabricate different tag designs, and the performance of successfully printed tags is evaluated using wireless measurements. Measurement results show that both the printing methods, while using copper material, can be used to effectively fabricate passive UHF RFID tag antennas on selected substrates

    Smart clothing and furniture for supporting participation-co-creation concepts for daily living

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    Participation and social inclusion influence individuals’ health and well-being. These factors can be easily disturbed, especially for those with disabilities. Designers and engineers have tried harnessing technology to assist people via producing prototypes of assistive devices, such as smart clothing and furniture. This study approaches that user surface and inspects the user’s needs for participation through clothing and furniture. We thus arranged two similar workshops with student participants (n = 37) from four different educational units, creating 10 innovative concepts to support participation and social inclusion. All aimed to support participation via improved self-regulation, increased safety, or environmental control. Most of the concepts were connectible to another device, such as a mobile phone. All devices were made adjustable to meet personal preferences. This study aligns with previous ones by concluding that assistive technology should be unobtrusive, give timely responses, and interact with other devices. These initial concepts are ready to be turned into tangible prototypes. Article highlightsParticipation and social inclusion have remarkable meaning for an individual’s well-being and health. Commonly, assistive technology aims to solve challenges in daily living by promoting health and well-being. For this reason, we arranged two similar co-creation workshops and asked the participants to innovate smart clothing and furniture concepts that will promote greater participation and more social inclusion.This study also identified users’ needs, such as increased safety and independence, supported communication, self-regulation and awareness, and an effective learning tool.The majority of the concepts were designed to be adjustable to meet personal preferences, let individuals interact with other devices (such as a mobile phone), and give timely responses.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Development, fabrication and evaluation of textile electrodes for EDA measurements

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    In this study, textile-based dry electrodes that are integrable to clothing were developed, and their potential and limitations in EDA measurements were characterized. Copper-based and silver-based fabric electrodes and two types of electrodes embroidered from conductive thread were tested for EDA-measurements from fingers, and their performance was compared to that of commercial Ag/AgCl electrodes. Based on the experiment results, stimulus response of skin conductance could be measured with all the electrodes. Copper-based fabric and densely embroider silver electrodes give the best EDA response, which is comparable to that of commercial Ag/AgCl electrodes. The next step is to integrate these textile electrodes into gloves and socks and carry out EDA measurements on female and male adults as well as on children. Our goal is that these EDA measurement clothes would become a part of our everyday life, which would enable versatile health and well-being related applications.acceptedVersionPeer reviewe

    Treatment of congenital bipartite patella in pediatric population - a systematic review of the published studies

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    Bipartite patella is an abnormality where patella is incorrectly ossified resulting in fibrocartilaginous synchondrosis. In most cases bipartite patella is asymptomatic and incidental finding but can also be painful especially in adolescents. The aim of our analysis was to determine the preferable treatment for pediatric bipartite patella. We conducted a systematic review based on PubMed and Embase searches. All original articles with reference to treatment in the population of ≤ 20 years of age, were included. Case reports, and articles without individualized data were excluded. In total, the individual data of 126 knees in 116 patients was analyzed. In 77.8% (98/126) of the analyzed knees the result was excellent, and the majority of the knees, 89.7% (105/126) received surgical intervention, and seven different techniques were used. None of operative methods were superior to others. Excellent treatment outcomes were achieved more often in younger patients (p=0.004), and the median duration of symptoms in operatively treated patients was shorter (p=0.018). If operative treatment is used after unsuccessful conservative treatment, it should be considered early in adolescence and also within a relatively short period after the onset of symptoms. The best operative method could not be found. More research and RCTs are needed concerning the conservative methods and different operative techniques